On May 7th, Portland NORML joined hundreds of freedom fighters for a “Day In the Square,” an event that featured the 17th annual Global Cannabis March. Held in downtown Portland at Pioneer Square, and throughout hundreds of other cities worldwide, the event boasted an all-day cast of speakers, live music, vendors and a beautiful, cloudless, sunny day. Following the initial passing of Oregon’s Measure 91 to legalize marijuana back in 2014, and the ensuing rounds of back and forth in Salem, the sentiment among the attendees this year seemed to be, “We still have work to do.” Old and now new issues have emerged, such as marijuana remaining a Schedule I drug under federal clinched fists; misguided potency limits; inflexible indoor clean air laws in legalized states; access to business banking; renter and employee discrimination, and many others are facing the cannabis industry head-on, mandating today’s new fight for sensible marijuana policies!
- Scott Gordon!
- John Lucy!
- Lindsey Rinehart!
- Rachel Kurtz!
Portland NORML had a big day with myself proudly serving as the Emcee for the event! Fellow Board of Directors members Rachel Kurtz, Lindsey Rinehart, and John Lucy all spoke about varying cannabis topics, with Leia Flynn and Randy Quast (National NORML Board member) holding the booth down. National NORML Board of Directors member Madeline Martinez was there hanging out at the Bernie Sanders booth, with many other amazing activitists and organizations in attendance, including Oregon NORML, Parents for Pot, Right To Grow, Oregon Hemp Works, two of Portland’s mayoral candidates (Ted Wheeler and Jesse Sponberg), Rep. Tobias Read, and keynote speaker Elvy Musikka. Incredible live music, ranging from blues to hip hop to rock, was provided by Justin James Bridges, Mack & Dub, the Hill Dogs and many other great artists, making the day a celebration as well.
- Ted Wheeler!
- Portland NORML booth at GCM.
- Mack & Dub!
- Bonnie King from Salem-News & Michael Bachera (wears at least 10 badges)!
In this new internet age of passive-aggressive Facebook advocacy, grassroots activism, such as the collective voice of a local city march, is still as important as ever. With the march leaving the square at 4:00pm, I’d guess that by the end, approximately 300 individuals stood tall, marching through the streets and educating the unsuspecting, unwilling, and, at times, simply confused downtown traffic, shoppers and wanderers. As the march funneled back into Pioneer Square, the Grateful sounds of the Garcia Birthday Band had the crowd feeling as if it really was “Shakedown Street.” A special shout-out to organizer Michael Bachera for the continued and unselfish guidance he brings to the cannabis community! Thanks to all who joined us—we’ll see you next year!
Scott Gordon
Portland NORML Executive Director
Pictures from Jason Savage Images, Salem-News.com, Brian The Red
Event Schedule, As of 5-6-16
(Emcee Scott Gordon, Portland NORML)
11:40am-12pm - Celebrate Love. Celebrate Life. (Mark Shark & Quiltman)
12:00-12:05pm - Opening Ceremony - Bonnie King - Dedicated to Dr. Phillip Leveque
12:05-12:30pm - Band - John Cornett & Friends
12:30-12:34 - Mindi Griffiths, Voices of the Cannabis War
12:34-12:37 - Don Skakie, Real Legalization
12:37-12:40 - Granny Patton, Patient Advocate
12:40-12:45- Bradley Steinman, Attorney, Green Business Law
12:45-1:10pm - Band - Justin James Bridges
1:10-1:13 - Eric Lewallen, CRRH
1:13-1:15 - Ben Christensen, Oregon Hemp Works, Oregon Hemp Industries Association
1:15-1:20 - Madeline Martinez, NORML, World Famous Cannabis Cafe
1:20-1:25 - John Lucy IV, Attorney, Law 420
1:25-1:30 - Jessie Sponberg, Portland Mayoral Candidate
1:30-1:55pm - Band - Bad Habitat
1:55-2:00 - Nickie Gates, Parents 4 Pot Oregon
200-2:05 - Lindsey Rinehart, Portland NORML
2:05-2:30pm - Band - Mack & Dub
2:30-2:35 - Erin Purchase, Brave MyKayla
2:35-2:40 - Rachel Kurtz, Portland NORML
2:40-2:45 - Anna Diaz, Parents 4 Pot
2:45-2:50 - Oregon State Treasurer Ted Wheeler, , Portland Mayoral Candidate
2:50-2:55 - Rep.Tobias Read, Oregon District 27, Oregon State Treasurer Candidate
2:55-3:00 - Leland Berger, Attorney, Oregon CannaBusiness Compliance Counsel, LLC
3:00-3:35pm - Band - The Hill Dogs
3:35-3:40 - Paul Loney, Attorney, Loney Law Group
3:40-3:45 - Jenifer Valley, Candidate Clackamas County Commissioner 3, Stoney Girl Gardens
3:45-3:50 - Keynote Speaker - Elvy Musikka, Federal Medical Marijuana Patient
3:50-3:55 - Paul Stanford, CRRH
3:55-4:00 - Kimberly McCullough, ACLU Legislative Director
4:00-4:30pm - March Through Portland
4:30-4:35 - Doug McVay, Drug War Facts
4:35-4:40 - Scott Gordon, Portland NORML
4:40-5:55pm - Band - Garcia Birthday Band
5:55-6:00pm - Closing Ceremony
1 Empower/THCF/CRRH, 2 PDX NORML, 3 Oregon Hemp Works - Hemp Museum, 4 Band Booth, 5 Voices of the Cannabis War, 6 Stoney Girl, 7 Oregon Grown Gift, 8 Green Leaf Lab/Loney Law Group, 9 Compassionate Oregon, 10 Women Grow, 11 Right To Grow, 12 Parents 4 Pot Oregon