
Marijuana Legality Map - Which Cities and Counties Have Banned Marijuana Licensees?

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Oregon Marijuana Legality Map

The current state of marijuana legalization is changing day-by-day. There are cities and counties instituting bans on marijuana commerce. There are also existing medical marijuana dispensaries that are offering early sales to all adult cannabis consumers.

This map will help all interested parties visualize the state of Oregon marijuana legality. Counties that voted >55% against Measure 91 are shaded light-red - in these counties, no vote is required by the people to maintain that ban. Counties that voted against Measure 91 but not at >55% are shaded light-yellow and those counties that voted for Measure 91 are shaded light-green - in these counties, bans are referred automatically to a vote of the people.

Red pins represent cities that have instituted bans that will not go before voters. Yellow pins represent cities that have instituted bans that will go before the voters. Red dots represent medical marijuana dispensaries not selling to all adult consumers. Green dots represent medical marijuana dispensaries that are selling to all adult consumers.

Double-click any place on the map to zoom in, or use the +/- bar on the side to zoom in and out.. Click on any county, pin, or dot for more information.

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