Our next Membership Meeting will be at the Tony Starlight Showroom at SE 12th and Madison on Saturday, August 22 from Noon to 2pm We will have our Portland NORML T-Shirts for sale ($20 for paid members, $25 otherwise) and you can win your chance for a free spin on our new Wheel of SWAG. You could win a sticker, a lighter, a lighter leash, a t-shirt, one of our awesome raffle prizes (a new portable vaporizer is one of them), or a full-year’s paid membership to Portland NORML (which is going to increasingly lead to discounts at shops all across Portland.)
Our special guest for the meeting is Joy Beckerman Maher of Hemp Ace International. She will be delivering her presentation on the miracles of industrial hemp and the amazing building material known as Hempcrete. We will also be giving you a run-down of our board members’ appearances at the Seattle Hempfest.
- Next meeting, learn all about hemp!
- Volunteers Bob and Byron in our booth at the Cannabis Creative Conference at Portland Expo Center.
- A demonstration model of Hempcrete applications
- Take a chance spinning the Portland NORML Wheel of SWAG!
- We’ve got infocards on the law, Keep Portland NORML stickers, and Freedom Leaf Magazines we need you to distribute
- Custom Portland NORML Lighters and Lighter Leashes now available!
We also need to organize volunteers to assist at two September events we’ll be taking part in: the Oregon Medical Marijuana Business Conference and the NW Cannabis Classic, both to be held in Portland on successive weekends. (Speaking of September, our meeting on Sep 26 will feature an Introduction to Pot Shopping so you can know what to look for and what to ask when we’re allowed to visit medical marijuana dispensaries on October 1.)
We are also building our Portland NORML Street Team to deliver informational fliers to people at the Portland Saturday Market, outside Timbers and Blazers games, and downtown. Street teamers can earn their paid Portland NORML membership with exclusive membership pin through volunteering. Thanks to all of you who have already picked up some literature for distribution.
A visit to the Innovation Park at BRE in Watford has been arranged as part of the Natural Fibres 09 conference, which takes place at the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in London from December 14-16. The park showcases modern methods of construction and features over 200 different emerging technologies in a number of demonstration properties, including the Renewable Hemp House.