Contact Us
If you wish to send mail and packages to Portland NORML, the address is 3608 NE 75th Ave, Portland OR 97213-5752. Send email to [email protected] to contact us online. Our phone number is 971-803-8512, which rings directly to our Executive Director, Russ Belville.
Portland NORML Board Members
Russ Belville - Executive Director (email): Russ Belville has been active in Oregon marijuana reform since 2005, when he was elected second-in-command of the state affiliate, Oregon NORML. After four years with Oregon NORML, Russ was hired by National NORML in 2009, working as Outreach Coordinator and hosting the NORML Daily Audio Stash podcast until 2012. Since then, Russ launched the 420RADIO marijuana legalization network and is currently the host of The Russ Belville Show, a live daily marijuana news talk radio program heard exclusively on CannabisRadio.com. Russ is also a prolific writer, with close to 700 articles posted online and in print in HIGH TIMES, Huffington Post, Alternet, The Weed Blog, Marijuana Politics, Cannabis Culture, and more.
Scott Gordon - Deputy Director (email): Scott Gordon has been active in marijuana reform since 1990 as a volunteer activist. He has been a board member of Oregon NORML and is a featured speaker at the Seattle Hempfest and organizer and emcee at the Portland Hempstalk. His lifestyle accessories company, Urb Age Designs, promotes a positive image of marijuana consumers. Scott is also a devoted music fan and works to bring the best of Pacific Northwest musical talent to bear in the fight for marijuana equalization.
Leia Flynn - Facilities Director (email): Leia Flynn is a legal assistant for Oregon Cannabusiness Compliance Counsel. Leia has been active in Portland’s marijuana scene for years, including work with Oregon Green Free.
Jennifer Alexander - Communications Director (email): Jennifer Alexander is a former board member of Oregon NORML. Jennifer has been very active in marijuana politics and legislative analysis on various Oregon forums. In 2012, Jennifer was a campaign manager for the initiative to legalize marijuana in Oregon. In 2014, her investigative work was a part of the investigations into misuse of government grant money to campaign against Oregon’s Measure 91 to legalize marijuana.
Randy Quast - Treasurer (email): Randy Quast is the former Executive Director of Minnesota NORML and a member of the NORML Board of Directors. Randy has been a very successful businessman and entrepreneur, motivated to help end marijuana prohibition when a burglary of his home revealed his status as a marijuana consumer to the authorities. Randy has since invested in reform efforts all across the country and has now relocated to Portland where he can enjoy the freedom afforded by legalization.
Rachel Kurtz - Secretary (email): Rachel Kurtz is a veteran of marijuana reform in the Pacific Northwest. She is a long-time member of the Seattle Hempfest Core Staff and is also on the board of The Center for the Study of Cannabis and Social Policy. She is currently studying to pass the Oregon Bar and is an attorney with the Wykowski Law Group.
John Lucy IV - Legal Counsel (email): John Lucy IV is a member of the NORML Legal Committee who islicensed and admitted to practice in Oregon & the District of Columbia. John was a co-founder of North Carolina NORML before moving to Portland.